By Queen City ENT on Sunday, 21 June 2020
Category: ENT Blog

Parenting - Child Development Milestones

You may be asking yourself why an Ear Nose and Throat group is discussing Child Developmental Milestones? These milestones are important growth steps for any parent to recognize in their children. Parents sometimes may get anxious to see certain development in their kids, but not be informed enough to know what is considered a milestone of development, nor the proper age for those milestones. The good news is most children are not required to exhibit a behavior exactly on a specific birth date. There are ranges of ages for certain milestones, and parents can track them as their child exhibits them within age range.

When children fall outside of the age range for a specific development milestone, and it relates to hearing; giving direction to your child, teaching words to describe things, listening to parents for calming interactions, and then seeing unusual reactions of frustration, this may be a hearing problem. Pediatric hearing difficulties can be the cause of some children not learning things within age range. Some symptoms of this may include not responding to parents calling on them when their child isn't looking at them, playtime parent / child interaction with low to no counter response by your child…these are just some of the ways children may be expressing a hearing problem. Diagnosing childhood hearing problems early is critical to helping your child get back on track, and without this important medical help, parents may be frustrated daily with helping their child cope with their lack of hearing.

Queen City Ear Nose and Throat doctors and audiologists are very experienced working with children and can help with diagnosing hearing loss in children. When seeing a slow pace of development in your child, it is important to check a number of potential causes, including hearing loss. If your child's hearing is compromised, an early diagnosis and potential remedy is critical to allow them to get back to socializing with their peers. The earlier you can get your child back on track with their hearing, the sooner they can get back into play groups with their peers and avoid feelings of isolation and loneliness.

It's one of life's most fantastic experiences to watch your baby grow and learn as they explore the world around them. As your child learns speech, communication and language through hearing and interaction, it's normal for parents to wonder if their child's skills are on par with their peers, or if their child is falling behind. Some children can begin a skill, such as reading, much earlier than their peers. Other children may not learn to read until they reach an older age. But signs of poor hearing in your child shows itself much earlier in daily interactions with your child, before reading can be taught.

According to the CDC collective research for child development stages by age, your child should have reached this milestone by the time they reach the top of their age group, in the age brackets posted below. If your child seems to be missing most of these milestones beyond their age bracket, you should bring up your concerns with a knowledgeable physician who has had experience diagnosing and seeing many young patients who do not have fully functioning hearing.

Birth - 2 Months:

4 - 6 Months:

7 Months - 1 Year:

1 - 2 Years:

2 - 3 Years:

3 - 4 Years:

4 - 5 Years:

5 Years:

If your child is experiencing a lack of attention span, or seems to ignore you, it is possible this is a hearing loss problem for some reason. Schedule an appointment with one of our trained audiology professionals to diagnose any hearing issues your child may have been expressing. We have a mission of being kind, considerate and gentle with our patients, and you can feel confident that each of our doctors will provide you with a perspective coming from years of hands on training and an excellent reputations from the community.